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Why Might I Need Periodontal Care?

Advanced gum disease or periodontal disease is relatively common and can become chronic, requiring ongoing treatment to keep it under control. This might mean more frequent oral hygiene appointments or we may recommend you have your gums regularly deep cleaned in a treatment called scaling and root planing. One of the problems with gum disease is that it can cause the gum tissue to recede, exposing the tooth roots and creating pockets in between your gums and your teeth and it is important that we make sure that the bacteria in these pockets are regularly removed.

What Is Scaling and Root Planing?

Scaling and root planing helps to remove hardened tartar from your teeth and from any exposed tooth roots. The aim is to encourage your gum tissue to fit more snugly around your teeth by removing bacterial infection. We are extremely gentle when carrying out this treatment, but if your gums are particularly sensitive or inflamed then we can use local anaesthetic to keep you comfortable during your appointment. We use up-to-date ultrasonic hand scalars to comfortably remove hardened tartar and afterwards any exposed tooth roots are planed or smoothed. This process makes it harder for bacteria to adhere to a smooth surface, encouraging your gums to heal. Where the pockets are particularly deep, we may use topical antibiotics to help you fight this disease.

Periodontal disease is a serious condition that can lead to tooth loss and we do everything we can to help treat this problem. If you do require periodontal care, then we will provide you with a suitable treatment plan and our experienced and caring dental team will talk to you about how best to approach this disease. Often treatment will involve a combination of professional dental care and improved home care and we are always here to help you and to offer advice where required.

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